Understanding Analytics Categories
To effectively manage and navigate through the Analytics section of the system, specifically focusing on Dashboards, Reports, and Management.
Key Steps
1. Dashboards:
- Dashboards contain real-time data related to live online cases.
- Automatically updated every minute by the system.
2. Reports:
- Reports do not contain real-time data.
- Users can set the time period for the data they want to view.
3. Management:
- Accessible to admins only.
- Provides a list of all dashboards and reports, both private and public.
Access Control:
- Supervisors should only have access to their private dashboards and those made available by admins.
- Default dashboards and reports are accessible to everyone.
- Created dashboards and reports will be separated by a divider for easy identification.
Cautionary Notes
- Ensure that supervisors are granted access only to the necessary dashboards and reports for their respective teams to maintain efficient data
Tips for Efficiency
- Create descriptive names when creating custom dashboards and reports to easily identify their content.