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Contacts Section


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Key Steps:


1. Accessing Contacts:

  • Navigate to the directory section in the system.
  • Utilize the search field to quickly locate the desired contact.

2. Creating a New Contact:

  • Click on the "Create Contact" button located on the top right-hand side.
  • Fill in the contact information in the pop-up window that appears.
  • Ensure that all required fields are filled out according to the settings established by the admin.

3. Editing and Deleting Contacts:

  • Hover over a contact to reveal the edit and delete icons.
  • Deleting a contact will result in the conversation or case being left without a contact association.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Deleting a contact can impact the organization of conversations and cases in the system.
  • Ensure that all necessary contact information is accurately entered to prevent errors in communication.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Regularly update and review contact information to maintain accurate records.

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